Dr Genius Login Student
Dr Genius Login Portal
Dr Genius Login Sign In
A genius is someone who no longer lives in conformity but in enormity, and in a vision of what they want to create in this world. I used to present a program called Awakening Your Genius in which I looked at the many common denominations of some of the most ingenious polymathic individuals through history.
.Each offer above is available exclusively to natural product retailers. Please allow fulfillment time for delivery. One sample per store. Offers are subject to change and restrictions may apply.
Genius Vision CMS server is no different than the NVR server. Genius Vision CMS client is also the same as the NVR client. All operations, including maps, alarm processing, live & playback, permission control, can all be performed from a remote location. This offer great flexibility when planning a complex project. nn','areas/music/views/radioDialog':'n','areas/music/views/media/_songSquare':'ntvar songLink = '',ntttoolTipAttribute = ';nn if(songSquare.songUrl)nttsongLink = songSquare.songUrl;nt else nttsongLink = songSquare.song.url;ntnn if(songSquare.size 'small' songSquare.size 'medium')ntttoolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip' ;ntnntvar classes = 'song mediaSquare';ntif(songSquare.size) nttclasses += ' ' + songSquare.size;ntntif(songSquare.inline)nttclasses += ' inline';ntnnnn
Reinstall yosemite without losing data . Epic action llc refund . Login id: password: note: for portal registration please contact practice directly. Where are my screenshots . ' draggable='true'n ' = toolTipAttribute n - play('song', songSquare.song) n if (songSquare.size != 'medium' songSquare.size != 'small' typeof(connect) != 'undefined') n - connect('song', songSquare.song, songSquare.connections locals.connections) n n ' /n if (songSquare.song.isExplicit songSquare.size ! 'small') n EXPLICIT n n nn if(!songSquare.hideMetaInfo)n 'n n '= songSquare.song.title n if(songSquare.song.isExplicit songSquare.size 'small') Explicit n n - songSquare.song.artistDisplayText n n n','areas/music/views/media/_albumSquare':'ntvar albumLink = '', artistLink = '', toolTipAttribute = ', albumImageUrl = albumSquare.album.imageUrl;nn if(albumSquare.albumUrl)n albumLink = albumSquare.albumUrl;n else nttalbumLink = albumSquare.album.albumUrl;ntnn if(albumSquare.artistLink)n artistLink =albumSquare.artistLinkn else if(albumSquare.album.artistId typeof(links) != 'undefined') nttartistLink = albumSquare.album.artistUrl;ntnntif(albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium')nt toolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip';n if(!albumSquare.showMetaInfo) albumSquare.showMetaInfo = 'none';ntnntvar classes = 'album mediaSquare';ntif(albumSquare.size) nttclasses += ' ' + albumSquare.size;ntntif(albumSquare.inline)nttclasses += ' inline';ntnn if(!albumSquare.notUseCommonHelper (albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium'))n n albumImageUrl = common.helpers.albumImage(albumSquare.album, '70x70');n nn' itemtype='http://schema.org/MusicAlbum' draggable='true'nt'nt' = toolTipAttribute ntt- play('album', albumSquare.album) ntt if (albumSquare.size != 'medium' albumSquare.size != 'small' typeof(connect) != 'undefined') nttt- connect('album', albumSquare.album, albumSquare.connections locals.connections) ntt nnntt' /ntt if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit albumSquare.size ! 'small') nttt EXPLICIT ntt ntnntnt if(!(albumSquare.showMetaInfo (albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'none' albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended'))) ntt 'nttt n ' itemprop='name'= albumSquare.album.title n if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit albumSquare.size 'small') Explicit n nttt if (albumSquare.album.artistId) ntttt' class='artist-name' itemprop='byArtist'= albumSquare.album.artistName nttt else ntttt- albumSquare.album.artistId nttt ntt Dr Genius Login Student nt nn Dr Genius Login Portal nnn if(albumSquare.showMetaInfo albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended') nt ntt nttt Released nttt - formatter.date(albumSquare.album.releaseDate, 'mmm dd, yyyy') nnttt Recorded nttt - formatter.date(albumSquare.album.releaseDate, 'yyyy') nnttt if(albumSquare.album.genreName albumSquare.album.genreName.length 0) ntttt Genre ntttt = albumSquare.album.genreName nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.displayLabel albumSquare.album.displayLabel.length 0) ntttt Label ntttt = albumSquare.album.displayLabel nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.tones albumSquare.album.tones.length 0) ntttt Moods ntttt - albumSquare.album.tones.join(', ') nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.styles albumSquare.album.styles.length 0) ntttt Styles ntttt - albumSquare.album.styles.join(', ') nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.themes albumSquare.album.themes.length 0) ntttt Themes ntttt - albumSquare.album.themes.join(', ') nttt ntt nt n ','common/views/generic/postcontrol':'ntif((context.features.isMentionProfileEnabled locals.enableMentions) !locals.disableMentions) ntt ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' contenteditable='true' class='textarea'= locals.text ' nt else ntt Dr Genius Login Sign In ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder='' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n
Dr Genius Login Portal
Dr Genius Login Sign In
A genius is someone who no longer lives in conformity but in enormity, and in a vision of what they want to create in this world. I used to present a program called Awakening Your Genius in which I looked at the many common denominations of some of the most ingenious polymathic individuals through history.
.Each offer above is available exclusively to natural product retailers. Please allow fulfillment time for delivery. One sample per store. Offers are subject to change and restrictions may apply.
Genius Vision CMS server is no different than the NVR server. Genius Vision CMS client is also the same as the NVR client. All operations, including maps, alarm processing, live & playback, permission control, can all be performed from a remote location. This offer great flexibility when planning a complex project. nn','areas/music/views/radioDialog':'n','areas/music/views/media/_songSquare':'ntvar songLink = '',ntttoolTipAttribute = ';nn if(songSquare.songUrl)nttsongLink = songSquare.songUrl;nt else nttsongLink = songSquare.song.url;ntnn if(songSquare.size 'small' songSquare.size 'medium')ntttoolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip' ;ntnntvar classes = 'song mediaSquare';ntif(songSquare.size) nttclasses += ' ' + songSquare.size;ntntif(songSquare.inline)nttclasses += ' inline';ntnnnn
Reinstall yosemite without losing data . Epic action llc refund . Login id: password: note: for portal registration please contact practice directly. Where are my screenshots . ' draggable='true'n ' = toolTipAttribute n - play('song', songSquare.song) n if (songSquare.size != 'medium' songSquare.size != 'small' typeof(connect) != 'undefined') n - connect('song', songSquare.song, songSquare.connections locals.connections) n n ' /n if (songSquare.song.isExplicit songSquare.size ! 'small') n EXPLICIT n n nn if(!songSquare.hideMetaInfo)n 'n n '= songSquare.song.title n if(songSquare.song.isExplicit songSquare.size 'small') Explicit n n - songSquare.song.artistDisplayText n n n','areas/music/views/media/_albumSquare':'ntvar albumLink = '', artistLink = '', toolTipAttribute = ', albumImageUrl = albumSquare.album.imageUrl;nn if(albumSquare.albumUrl)n albumLink = albumSquare.albumUrl;n else nttalbumLink = albumSquare.album.albumUrl;ntnn if(albumSquare.artistLink)n artistLink =albumSquare.artistLinkn else if(albumSquare.album.artistId typeof(links) != 'undefined') nttartistLink = albumSquare.album.artistUrl;ntnntif(albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium')nt toolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip';n if(!albumSquare.showMetaInfo) albumSquare.showMetaInfo = 'none';ntnntvar classes = 'album mediaSquare';ntif(albumSquare.size) nttclasses += ' ' + albumSquare.size;ntntif(albumSquare.inline)nttclasses += ' inline';ntnn if(!albumSquare.notUseCommonHelper (albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium'))n n albumImageUrl = common.helpers.albumImage(albumSquare.album, '70x70');n nn' itemtype='http://schema.org/MusicAlbum' draggable='true'nt'nt' = toolTipAttribute ntt- play('album', albumSquare.album) ntt if (albumSquare.size != 'medium' albumSquare.size != 'small' typeof(connect) != 'undefined') nttt- connect('album', albumSquare.album, albumSquare.connections locals.connections) ntt nnntt' /ntt if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit albumSquare.size ! 'small') nttt EXPLICIT ntt ntnntnt if(!(albumSquare.showMetaInfo (albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'none' albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended'))) ntt 'nttt n ' itemprop='name'= albumSquare.album.title n if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit albumSquare.size 'small') Explicit n nttt if (albumSquare.album.artistId) ntttt' class='artist-name' itemprop='byArtist'= albumSquare.album.artistName nttt else ntttt- albumSquare.album.artistId nttt ntt Dr Genius Login Student nt nn Dr Genius Login Portal nnn if(albumSquare.showMetaInfo albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended') nt ntt nttt Released nttt - formatter.date(albumSquare.album.releaseDate, 'mmm dd, yyyy') nnttt Recorded nttt - formatter.date(albumSquare.album.releaseDate, 'yyyy') nnttt if(albumSquare.album.genreName albumSquare.album.genreName.length 0) ntttt Genre ntttt = albumSquare.album.genreName nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.displayLabel albumSquare.album.displayLabel.length 0) ntttt Label ntttt = albumSquare.album.displayLabel nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.tones albumSquare.album.tones.length 0) ntttt Moods ntttt - albumSquare.album.tones.join(', ') nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.styles albumSquare.album.styles.length 0) ntttt Styles ntttt - albumSquare.album.styles.join(', ') nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.themes albumSquare.album.themes.length 0) ntttt Themes ntttt - albumSquare.album.themes.join(', ') nttt ntt nt n ','common/views/generic/postcontrol':'ntif((context.features.isMentionProfileEnabled locals.enableMentions) !locals.disableMentions) ntt ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' contenteditable='true' class='textarea'= locals.text ' nt else ntt Dr Genius Login Sign In ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder='' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - locals.id ? 'id=' + locals.id + '' : ' = locals.name ? 'name=' + locals.name + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.ntt nntt ntttntt nt n